Resistance type_东莞市瑞庆电子有限公司
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Position:Home > News > Resistance type
From:东莞市瑞庆电子有限公司 Hits:543292  Date:2012-04-05 11:12:16

Resistance classification
According to the resistance characteristic
Fixed resistors, adjustable resistance, special resistance ( sensitive resistor ). Can not be regulated, which we call the fixed value resistance or a fixed resistor, and can regulate the, we call the adjustable resistance. Common adjustable resistance is a sliding rheostat, such as radio volume regulating device is a circular sliding rheostat, mainly used in voltage distribution, we call the potentiometer.
By manufacturing materials
Carbon film resistors, metal film resistors, Wirewound resistors, no sense of resistance, thin film resistor. Thin film resistors with evaporation method to resistivity material deposited on the surface of the insulating material. Mainly as follows: carbon film resistors carbon film resistors
Carbon film resistors ( carbon film resistor ), commonly used symbol RT as a marker for the early; also the most commonly used resistor, use of vacuum spraying technology in ceramic rod which is sprayed a layer of carbon membrane, the carbon membrane outer cutting into a spiral, in accordance with the spiral measured its resistance value, spiral the time said resistor value heals big. Finally in the outer layer coated with epoxy resin sealing protection and. The resistance value error while a metal film resistor is high, but because the price is cheap. Carbon film resistor is still widely used in all types of products, is currently the electronic, electrical appliances, equipment, information products the most basic components. Metal film resistor metal film resistor ( metal film resistor ), RJ as a marker of symbols; its also used the vacuum spraying technology in ceramic rods above the spray, just carbon film for metal film ( such as nickel ), and the metal film car spiral lines make different resistance, and on porcelain rod ends plated with precious metal. Although it is a carbon film resistor is expensive, but the low noise, stable, little affected by temperature, high accuracy to its excellent metal film resistor
Potential. It is widely used in high-level audio equipment, computers, instruments, equipment and other aspects of defense and space. Metal oxide film resistor some instrument or device needs a long time at high temperature operating environments, using the general resistance will fail to maintain its stability. In this case can be made of metal oxide film resistors ( metal oxide compound thin film resistor ), it is the use of high-temperature combustion technology on the heat transfer of ceramic rods above the burn with a layer of metal oxide film ( with tin and tin compounds into solution spray, spray into500~ 500degrees oven, coated in the rotation of the ceramic substrate formed on the. Material can also be zinc oxide ), and the metal oxide film the car lines make different value, and then in the outer layer of spraying nonflammable paint. Its performance and metal film resistors are similar, but the resistance value range. It is capable of high temperature still maintains its stability, its typical characteristics of metal oxide film and ceramic substrate binding is more firmly, resistor film load power is also high. Strong acid and alkali resistance, salt fog, so it is suitable for working under bad environment. It also has low noise, stable, high frequency characteristics of good advantages. Commonly used symbols RY as a marker. Synthesis of film resistor metal oxide film resistor
The conductive composite suspension coating on the substrate, so it is also called the film resistor. Due to the conductive layer showed granular structure, so the big noise, low accuracy, mainly using his manufacturing high pressure, high resistance, small resistor. Wire wound resistor with high resistance alloy wire wound on the insulated framework is made, is coated on the outside of the insulation layer or the heat insulating paint enamel. Wire wound resistor has a low temperature coefficient, high resistance precision, good stability, heat resistance, corrosion, mainly to do precision high-power resistance, disadvantage is the high frequency performance is poor, large time constant. Square wire wound resistor square wire wound resistor
Square wire wound resistor ( wire wound resistor ) also known as electric cement group, uses the nickel, chromium, iron and other relatively big resistance alloy resistance wire wound in an alkaline thermostable porcelain pieces, is added on the outside heat resistance, moisture resistance, no corrosion materials protection, then winding resistor in porcelain frame, with special flame cement filling seal becomes. The incombustible coating wire wound resistor difference only outer coating, silicone resin or nonflammable paint. It has the advantages of resistance precision, low noise, good heat dissipation and can withstand very high power consumption, mostly used in power amplifier stage. Disadvantage is high cost, little resistance, also because of the presence of inductance is not suitable in the high frequency circuit using. Solid carbonaceous resistance carbon resistor
Carbonaceous particulate conductive material, filler and binder into a solid resistor. And at the time of manufacture implantable lead wire. Resistance value is based on the size of the toner and the ratio of the length of thickness and carbon. Features: low price, but its value error, the noise voltage is large, poor stability, the less. Metallic uranium glass resistance to metal powder and glass powder mixed uranium by screen printing method, printed on a substrate. Moisture resistance, high temperature, small temperature coefficient, mainly used in thick film circuit. Chip resistor SMT chip resistors
Patch resistance ( resistance ) of metallic uranium glass is a form of resistance, the resistance is high reliable ruthenium series of uranium glass materials through high temperature sintering, the characteristics of small volume, high precision, stability and good performance of high frequency, suitable for high precision electronic products in substrate. The patch exclusion is a plurality of the same resistance chip resistors made into a chip resistor, the purpose is to be effectively limits the number of components, reducing the manufacture cost and reducing the area of the circuit board. No sense of resistance without a sense resistor is often used in the load, for absorbing the products produced in the process of using unnecessary power, or play a buffer role, braking, such resistance is often called the JEPSUN braking resistor or than the Czech letter load resistance.
According to the installation mode
Plug-in resistors, chip resistor. Chip resistor
According to the functions
Load resistance, the sampling resistor, shunt resistance, protective resistance.

DONGGUAN RUIQING DIANZI CO.,LTD   Dongguan City Changan sand management